Risk Assessments

Health, Safety And Welfare Policy Statement

The health, safety and welfare of all of our employees, volunteers and users of the Guernsey Sailing Trust LBG and other people who may be affected by our activities is fundamental to everything we do.  We are committed to ensuring that responsibilities for safety and health are properly assigned, accepted and fulfilled at all levels of the organisation.

The Guernsey Sailing Trust LBG will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that:

  • Employees, volunteers and users are provided with such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to secure their health and safety
  • Our premises, activities and operational areas are safe and without risks to health and that adequate provisions are made in relation to suitable and sufficient facilities and arrangements
  • All vehicles, boats, plant and equipment are in a serviceable condition, safe and without risks to health
  • Safe access and egress is provided and maintained for our premises, activities and operational areas
  • Adequate information is available with respect to articles and substances used detailing the conditions and precautions necessary to ensure that when properly used they will be safe and without risk to health
  • All activities are appropriately planned and risk assessed
  • Employees, volunteers and users are aware of a responsibility to take care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions
  • A just culture is integral and core to everything we do, meaning that anyone can report a health and safety accident, incident or hazard without fear of blame or reprisal so as long as there has not been a deliberate breach of our policies, processes or procedures

By working together, we can maintain a safe, healthy and efficient organisation that promotes enjoyable and exciting boating and activities.  This policy is reviewed and updated as and when deemed necessary but it will be reviewed at least every 12 months. 

Reviewed February 2024

GST Code of Conduct

It is the policy of the Guernsey Sailing Trust that all participants, coaches, instructors, officials, parents/carers and volunteers show respect and understanding for each other, treat everyone equally within the context of the sport and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of the organisation.  The aim is for all participants to enjoy their sport and to improve performance.

Abusive language, swearing, intimidation, aggressive behaviour or lack of respect for others and their property will not be tolerated and may lead to disciplinary action.


  • Listen to and accept what you are asked to do to improve your performance and keep you safe
  • Respect other participants, coaches, instructors, officials and volunteers
  • Abide by the rules and play fairly
  • Do your best at all times
  • Never bully others either in person, by phone, by text or online
  • Take care of all property belonging to other participants, the club/organisation or its members

Coaches, Instructors, Officials and Volunteers

  • Consider the welfare and safety of participants before the development of performance
  • Encourage participants to value their performance and not just results
  • Promote fair play and never condone cheating
  • Ensure that all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of those taking part
  • Build relationships based on mutual trust and respect
  • Work in an open environment
  • Avoid unnecessary physical contact with students, especially young or vulnerable people
  • Be an excellent role model and display consistently high standards of behaviour and appearance
  • Do not drink alcohol or smoke when working directly with students
  • Communicate clearly with participants and carers
  • Be aware of any relevant medical information
  • Follow RYA and club/class guidelines and policies
  • Holders of RYA Instructor and Coach qualifications must also comply with the RYA Code of Conduct


  • Accept that adult participants have a right to take risks and to take decisions about their welfare, unless they lack the capacity to do so as defined by the Mental Health Act 2005
  • Support the participant’s involvement and help them enjoy their sport
  • Help the participant to recognise good performance, not just results
  • Never force the participant to take part in sport
  • Never punish or belittle the participant for losing or making mistakes
  • Encourage and guide the participant to accept responsibility for their own conduct and performance
  • Respect and support the instructor/coach
  • Accept officials’ judgements and recognise good performance by all participants
  • Use established procedures where there is a genuine concern or dispute
  • Inform the club or event organisers of relevant medical information
  • Ensure that the participant wears suitable clothing and has appropriate food and drink
  • Provide contact details and be available when required
  • Take responsibility for the participant’s safety and conduct in and around the clubhouse/event venue

If you are concerned that someone is not following the Code of Conduct, you should inform the Welfare Officer or the person in charge of the activity.

Reviewed February 2024


Staff E-Safety Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for all Staff (paid & unpaid) when using the internet, social media and mobile phones

Instructors & Volunteers who work with children and young people are responsible for their own actions and behaviour and should avoid any conduct which would lead any reasonable person to question their motives and intentions.

This Code of Conduct is not exhaustive and should be amended to reflect any additional expectations of staff.

  •  All communication by staff via the Internet/social media platforms will be for professional purposes only
  • All communication should acknowledge and maintain respectful professional boundaries and be transparent and open to scrutiny
  • Staff should not use the internet to share / communicate any personal messages with young people they know only from the workplace
  • Staff should not share their personal profile with young people they know only from the workplace and never accept ‘friend requests’ from young people or request young people they know only from the workplace be their ‘friend’
  • All staff should record and report without delay any situation where they feel the actions of themselves / others (including young people) may have compromised the organisations or their own professional standing; such incidents should be reported to their line manager
  • Any member of staff concerned about the professional conduct of another member of staff should report this to their line manager
  • Any fan of the organisation’s social media platforms can request to have photos/ comments relating to themselves removed by contacting the administrator.
  • Any comments made on the organisation’s social media platforms by others that are deemed hurtful shall be removed by the administrators and appropriate action will be taken
  • Mobile phones and devices should not be used by staff during any sessions, unless for emergency purposes as agreed with the line manager
  • Staff should not share their mobile phone numbers or have any contact with children and young people on their personal devices; an organisation-specific phone is available to contact parents/guardians in emergencies
  • Staff will not use personal devices to take photographs or video of young people unless agreed to by their line manager (in cases where organisation equipment is unavailable); in these cases photographs will be downloaded to an organisation PC/device as soon as possible and permanently deleted from the personal device

Reviewed February 2024


RYA Instructor Code of Conduct

RYA Instructor Code of Conduct
for RYA Instructors, Coach Assessors, Trainers and Examiners

This document outlines the code of conduct under which all holders of RYA instructor qualifications and RYA training appointments (hereafter referred to as instructors) are required to comply. The code of conduct is intended to make clear to all participants, instructors and RYA appointment holders the high standards to which all are expected to conform. Instructors must:

  • If working with people under the age of 18, read and understand the Child Protection Policy as detailed on the RYA website at www.rya.org.uk 
  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person and treat everyone equally within the context of their sport.
  • Place the wellbeing and safety of the student above the development of performance or delivery of training. 
  • They should follow all guidelines laid down by the RYA with regards specific training or coaching programmes.
  • Hold appropriate insurance cover either individually or through the training centre in which they are working. 
  • Not develop inappropriate working relationships with students (especially children). Relationships must be based on mutual trust and respect and not exert undue influence to obtain personal benefit or reward. 
  • Encourage and guide students to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance.
  • Hold relevant up to date governing body qualifications as approved by the RYA.
  • Ensure that the activities they direct or advocate are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of the individual.
  • At the outset, clarify with students (and where appropriate their parents) exactly what is expected of them and what they are entitled to expect.
  • Always promote the positive aspects of the sport (eg courtesy to other water users).
  • Consistently display high standards of behaviour and appearance.
  • Not do or neglect to do anything which may bring the RYA into disrepute.
  • Act with integrity in all customer and business to business dealings pertaining to RYA training.
  • Not teach or purport to provide RYA courses  or RYA certification outside of the framework of an RYA recognised training centre
  • Notify the RYA immediately of any court imposed sanction that precludes the instructor from contact with specific user groups (for example children and vulnerable adults).
  • Not carry out RYA training, examining or coaching activities whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Failure to adhere to the RYA Instructor Code of Conduct may result in the suspension or withdrawal of RYA qualifications or appointments.

Reviewed February 2024

GST Safeguarding Adults Policy and Guidelines

GST Safeguarding and Child Protection Guidelines

Equity & Equality Policy


Equity in the context of sport relates to equality of access, fairness and opportunities at all levels, whilst recognising and addressing inequalities.  By actively removing barriers faced by those who wish to be involved in sport, we move towards equality and away from discrimination.  Ultimately, Equity is about changing the culture and structure of sport to one that values each individual and enables full involvement from minority groups at all levels of sport. 

Sports Equity is about making sure that everyone has an equal chance to participate in and contribute to sport or physical activity if they choose to do so, and that no one is discriminated against unfairly for any reason, including – but not limited to – gender, race, disability, age, religious or political belief, sexual orientation, social background, ethnic origin, language, marital or civil partnership status or pregnancy.

Sports Equity is about recognising and acknowledging that inequalities do exist between people in Guernsey sport and taking positive and proactive steps to overcome these inequalities, and reducing barriers faced by disadvantaged groups.

The Guernsey Sailing Trust aims to support fair, equitable and diverse involvement in sport at all levels.  This Equity Policy covers the services and activities of The Guernsey Sailing Trust, its employees and affiliates.

Statement of Intent

The Guernsey Sailing Trust:

  •  Will ensure that all people, irrespective of race, gender, ability, ethnic origin, social status or sexual orientation, have equal opportunities to take part in our initiatives and activities, at all levels and roles.
  • Will ensure that equity and the needs of the diverse Guernsey community are given due regard from the outset of the development of all of its policies, programmes and services.
  • Will address any form of discrimination that occurs within the organisation.
  • Will raise awareness of Equity through the implementation of this policy.
  • Will monitor, review and evaluate progress.
  • Will ensure that its recruitment and selection procedures are fair and transparent, and meet the appropriate legal requirements.


Our Equity Policy reflects the following principles:

  • That discriminatory behaviour will not be tolerated.
  • That every employee or affiliate is responsible for creating a welcoming environment for any individual wishing to take part in our activities or initiatives.
  • That all individuals have the right to take part in any such activity or initiative.
  • That Equity is not about treating everyone the same. Ensuring equality may require the unequal allocation or reallocation of resources and entitlements in order to overcome previous inequalities or discrimination. 

Legal Obligations

The Guernsey Sailing Trust will ensure that its policies, procedures and activities at all times meet the requirements of States of Guernsey Legislation

Complaints and Disciplinary Procedure

A complaint made concerning a breach of any part of this Equity Policy should be made known to the Clare Chapple, Principal, or Sarah Creasey, General Manager, immediately, who will then report the incident to the The Guernsey Sailing Trust Board and follow the organisation’s complaints procedure.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation of this policy will be undertaken by the Principal and General Manager who will be responsible for its implementation


The Guernsey Sailing Trust recognises direct and indirect discrimination, and regards both as gross misconduct subject to disciplinary action.

Direct discrimination occurs where someone is treated less favourably than another person would have been in the same circumstances.

Indirect discrimination occurs when a requirement or condition is applied, which, whether intentional or not, adversely affects a section of the population characterised by ethnicity, gender, sexuality, age or social background.

The Guernsey Sailing Trust recognises that harassment, bullying and victimisation are also examples of gross misconduct and are subject to disciplinary action.

Reviewed February 2024