We are very excited that our Sea Oppies have arrived! Last Friday we launched the boats with the sponsors watching as the boats took to the sea for the first time. We would like to extend a massive thank you to all the sponsors of the boats – we would not have got here without your support.
The Sea Oppie’s are an important stepping stone for those sailors who have outgrown the oppies on the pond and are looking to progress their sailing on the sea. As the waiting list for club boats can be quite long, we hope that these boat will allow sailors to carry on with the sport and get more young people out on the water. The Sea Oppie’s are set out like the racing boats, with a larger racing rig. The hull is only 4kg heavier than the racing boats, meaning the boats will be able to be sailed competitively against the racing Optimists. Sailors will also be able to practise more advanced skills, such as hiking and advanced boat control.
During the summer the boats will be used for courses for 8 to 11 year olds who have completed their Stage 2 qualification. For sailors who have not been on the sea before, this will be a great introduction for them. If you feel your young sailors would benefit from this course you can book through the following link:
Oppies on the Sea Summer Courses