When taking up any new sport, especially potentially hazardous sports, like sailing, it is important to learn as much as you can.  The more knowledge you can arm yourselves with, the better you will be able to cope with any situation that arises.

We were recently contacted by a family who have recently purchased a Sunfish Sailboat, but a requirement to being able to sail this, was to do as much research as possible first.  We were very glad to hear that they found our ‘links’ page useful.  They also send us a good webpage for learning the parts of the boat:


Learning the names for parts of the boat is an important part of the syllabus and we teach this in both the RYA Stage 1 and RYA Level 1 qualifications.  It is one of the first things that new sailors learn!  This website gives a glossary of parts of the boat.

Thank you to the Torres family for their feedback on our website and sending this link through to us!